
Aug 3, 2024

New portals to bonus stages

New portals to bonus stages and new physics

Last release v0.4.3 adds the following features:

Game title (temporary tittle, it may change in the future)

New “boxclip” font (used in the title)

New physics (camera rotation affects gravity, this new physic will be used on bonus stage first)

Bonus stage

New story mode mechanic: colleting a number of gems unlock a bonus stage.

New hud information: required liberated animals and gems are rendered below every character points and gems.

New bonus stage music (Runaround by Yubatake CC-BY 4.0)

New bonus stage music (New bonus stage music "Up in the Sky" by Memoraphile CC-BY 4.0 - OGA-BY 3.0 - CC0)