Explore my exciting game projects below.
Choose your platform and package format to download the latest version of the game.
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A platform game with rich and diverse mechanics built with the Boxclip engine, a 2D platformer engine, with an emphasis on interactive map editing.
RepositoryClick the screenshot to access more info
A fork of the remake of classic game Thrust II by PGimeno
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If you'd like the latest features and fixes, we recommend building your own packages using the Love-Builder app. Some of the pre-built versions may not be up to date.
Important ARM Build Notes:
- Set Touch Controls to true
- Set WebP Support to false
(ARM builds use PNG assets due to WebP library incompatibility, and enabling WebP will cause crashes).
- ARM builds are compatible with x86_64 platforms, as all games are scripted and do not include the LOVE2D binaries. ARM builds simply enable touch controls and disable WebP support, among other optimizations.
- x86_64 builds will not work on ARM devices due to incompatible libraries and shaders.
I am passionate about game development and love creating unique gaming experiences.
If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at glitchapp[at]disroot[dot]org.